In the past few classroom sessions we have discussed as a class the use of the Developmental Learning Theory in the classroom. Although we were unable to really define what DTL is, i have grasped the concept of the theory a little better. In the beginning i thought that it was more of a teaching style rather than a set of ideas.
We were proposed the question "How does DLT inform all aspects of teaching?". In answering this question I would say that DLT informs all aspects of teaching because it is not a teaching style itself, rather a set of ideas that can be applied to every area of teaching in a unique way. DLT is a concept that has been theorized stating that individuals learn better when they are taught in a variety of ways in which are more concrete but then are able to grasp more abstract ideas as their knowledge of the material develops.
DLT definitely could be useful in the field of Special Education as student in these classrooms are frequently unable to grasp more abstract concepts and therefore need to be taught using more concrete ideas. Using DLT allows for them to be more hands on and to be taught subject matter that applies to them more so that they will be more inapt to take information away from the lesson.
I definitely agree with you that the concept of DLT is somewhat hard to define. I still don't completely understand it one hundred percent. Nevertheless what it is is exactly what you say it is: a concept of that helps individuals learn in a variety of ways. We often assume that the only easy and efficient way to teach is to give a powerpoint and assume that they'll write it down exactly as what was put on the slide show. However everyone learns differently, and learning takes time and effort. Your idea about using it for Special education is exactly perfect! To go along with what I said earlier, if you teach special ed students, you will probably have to each student differently.