Now, as a teacher it is ideal to think that no problems will arise within your classroom with students acting our or what not but obviously this highly unreasonable and unrealistic. If a student does start to create some problems in the classroom and begins to influence other students or get them off task then I would as a teacher like to deal with it in the most discrete manner possible because if you make a big deal about it then all of a sudden your now the one getting students of task and this student has obviously achieved their goal in doing so and now knows a way of getting you upset. To deal with this I would simply ignore the students behavior while getting the students to do something differently by getting in groups and discussing something or by having them complete an assignment, but something group related so that it is not extremely quiet and so students are occupied doing something differently, and then I would quietly and as discretely as possible go over to the student and talk to him either there or after class (whichever they would prefer) and then I would address it with them in that matter and hopefully come to some realization on the students behalf and a resolution for the problem together.
Now, another way of acting out as we have discussed in class is the issue of students falling asleep, which I feel is extremely prevalent in our classrooms as I have seen it many times in my practicum as well as when I was in school and still now in college students doing it. How I would deal with it is if it happens once I would just let the student sleep because realistically how much are they getting out of the class whether they are asleep or awake? Now, if this happens all the time then this is a different story, I would in this case probably talk to the student after class or at a different time about maybe why they are so tired, and if the student is comfortable talking about it then I would probably try and talk to the counselor o see if something is going on at home or in this students outside life, or eventually I would try and call home. I ultimately would want to help the student though because obviously there is something going on that is hugely affecting them and I dont want to create more stress, but I would want to be aware so that I can be more helpful.
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